Boats and Yachts for Sale - Help
- Click Yachts/Boats for Sale, and then enter the criteria for your ideal boat
or yacht.
- On the Search Results screen, click view to display details of the
selected yacht/boat.
- Note: All BUCNET members have access to the details of all the
listings on the BUC network. Therefore, any member broker can give you
full details on any listing.
- When you find a boat you are interested in, you have two options:
- Click Email the broker about this vessel to email a broker. You
can either email the seller’s broker, or select your own broker
to represent you and email him/her for more information.
- You can also add your boat to your Portfolio. This allows you to
store the details of the boats that interest you while you continue
to browse through the rest of your search results. Click on 'Create/Maintain
my Portfolio'. You will then be asked to sign in. If you have already
signed in, click on 'Add this vessel to my Portfolio'. Once the boat
has been added to your Portfolio, you will have the choice of either
emailing the seller’s broker, or sending your entire Portfolio
of boats to your selected broker.
Yachts for Charter
- Click Yachts for Charter and then enter the criteria for your ideal
yacht charter.
- On the Search Results screen, click view to display details of the
selected yacht.
- When you find a charter vessel you are interested in, you have two
- Click Email the broker about this vessel, to email the listing broker
- You can also add the charter vessel to your Portfolio. This allows
you to store the details of the boats that interest you while you
continue to browse through the rest of your search results. Click
on 'Create/Maintain my Portfolio'. You will then be asked to sign
in. If you
have already signed in, click on 'Add this vessel to my Portfolio'.
Once the boat has been added to your Portfolio, you will have the
choice of either emailing the seller’s broker, or sending your
entire Portfolio of boats to your selected broker.
Find a Broker
- You can find a BUC member broker either by name or by location. The
results will include the members mailing address, phone number, website
address and email address. Click on ‘Select as My Broker’
to save as your selected broker. This broker will now appear as your
selected broker in your Portfolio.
Become a Member
- This section contains BUC membership information for brokers and dealers
and a membership information request form.
Sell your Yacht or Boat
- Use this feature to contact a broker to have your yacht/boat listed on the
original worldwide multiple yacht listing service. Having your yacht or boat
listed is free: you pay a commission to the broker when the yacht/boat is
- Click Sell your Yacht/Boat. If you have already signed in, you will be taken
directly to the Sell your Boat screen. If not, you will need to register
with your contact information.
- If you have already selected a broker, that broker’s name will
appear in the My Broker field. If not, click on ‘Select a Broker
to represent you’, choose a broker and close the Portfolio window
to return to the Sell your Boat screen.
- Enter your boat details and any relevant comments and click the Send
button to email the form to your selected broker.
Yacht/Boat Shows
- Displays a list of current and upcoming yacht/boat shows, with locations,
dates, links to the show website, and yachts and boats at the show, if applicable.
Featured Show displays a list of yachts and boats that will be on display at current
or upcoming yacht/boat shows, with broker and dock information. |
- The Portfolio contains three sections:
- My Info contains your contact information, which will be sent
to your selected broker when you request information. Your name
and email address are the only required information.
- My Broker allows you to choose and save your selected broker,
and contains the address, email and phone information for that broker.
- My Boats is where the boats you are interested in are stored.
- When you search Yachts/Boats for Sale or Yachts for Charter and click on
the View link from the search results screen, you will see the details
of the vessel. Click Create/Maintain my Portfolio and sign in or register
if you have not already done so.
- As you continue browsing through your search results, click on ‘Add
this vessel to my Portfolio’ to store the boats and charters that
interest you. To view the contents of your Portfolio, click on ‘View/Edit
my Portfolio’.
- Once you are ready to send your Portfolio, you can choose to either
email each individual seller’s broker, or send your entire Portfolio
to your selected broker by selecting the appropriate radio button at
the bottom of the Portfolio screen and clicking Send.
BUC Books
- This is a link to the website, where you will find more
information on the BUC Used Boat Price Guides and an online order form.
BUCValu Consumer
- This is a link to the website Used Boat Values, a free service for
current or prospective yacht/boat owners who want to learn the true market
value of a particular yacht or boat.
BUCValu Professional
- This link will take you to , the professional’s
resource for complete boat evaluations. This is a subscription-based
website for marine industry professionals.
Click Popular Yachts for sale for a short
list of what's available for sale on bucnet.